Automate All Documentation and CRM Updates.

Superpanel AI auto-generates documentation, CRM updates, and reporting to understand why prospects purchase, don't purchase, or get stuck.

This helps PreSales align with Sales, increase ACV and Win Rates, and improve product learnings.
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Integrates with your existing tools.

How it works

Using all your unstructured sales data from call recordings, files, proposals, notes, emails, etc., Superpanel auto-updates CRM fields as deals progress, auto generates standard documentation - i.e. account plans, discovery summaries, CS hand off docs - and auto analyzes and categorizes any text fields such as such as product feedback or win / loss reasons.

Key stakeholders and users of Superpanel


Maximize the impact of your PreSales team.

  • Create PreSales fields to measure PreSales activity, discovery, POCs, product feedback and any other PreSales data you need - without needing to overhaul your CRM.

  • No more wasting time on deals with poor discovery - see AI generated discovery notes on each opportunity even when the AE didn’t take notes.

Field management screen

Increase pipeline conversion rate with great discovery.

  • Be present while AI auto-suggests and organizes the relevant discovery notes in your shared documents.

  • Let AI auto-update Salesforce fields based on your conversations and documents.

  • Get full compliance on sales methodology across your team.

Impact of better discovery on deals
Revenue Ops

Help your sellers bring in more revenue with less effort.

  • With less than 20 mins of set up, let your PreSales and Sales team passively update Salesforce and increase their win rates

  • Reduce cost of acquisition through higher win rates by empowering your selling teams do perfect discovery on every deal and meeting.

Field management screen mockup

A security first culture.

  • Superpanel is SOC2 certified and GDPR compliant. Our founders built companies in the highly regulated banking, insurance, and healthcare industries - we are familiar with taking security and privacy seriously.

Security certificates